100 Word Challenge




January 8, 2018

A cool new project! The 100 Word Challenge gives our writing a world-wide audience! Each week we will post a prompt. It might be a sentence, it might be a picture, it might just be a few words. Your job is respond to this prompt in 100 words! (It’s ok if you use a few less or a few more). There is a deadline each week. Our posts are submitted to the 100 Word Challenge site where a 100WC team member will respond and comment on your work. Other kids and teachers from around the world will also have the opportunity to comment on your writing.Wow!

As with all our blogging, the same rules apply. First name only, no personal info, quality writing (not text writing) using your best conventions-spelling, grammar, and punctuation. When you comment on other people’s work, no rude or inappropriate comments.

This sounds like a really cool way for you to demonstrate your talents and creativity! Let’s try!

Here we go! Our first 100 Word Challenge prompt! January 8, 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

…In the beginning…

Things to consider:

  • What is the setting for this story?
  • What is beginning?
  • What tense will you use?

29 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge

  1. In the beginning of fall, Harry started his first day of 2nd grade. It was his first time at a new school. Harry was incredibly nervous, and fell as he walked into the classroom. As the teacher helped him to his feet there was laughter everywhere. The morning was extremely boring. At recess a kid named Craig said hi to Harry. He asked if he wanted to join the the basketball team. After school Harry decided to come. Harry was a spectacular basketball player! After practice the kids apologized to Harry for laughing at him. Harry realized the new school was not so bad.

  2. In The beginning of the long line at Disneyland with my family. We are going to ride Space Mountain. But the long line I thought it would be was actually short. When we were getting on the ride I saw no one was getting off. I yelled at the person who was starting the ride but he didn’t listen. As we were going through the ride it got faster and faster until it just suddenly stopped and we were outside. It looked like we were where DisneyLand Used to be. But there was nothing there. We were never able to go back again.

  3. So in the beggining of GRAVITY FALLS WIERDMAGEDDON PART 3, it shows GRUNKLE STAN and THE REST OF THE TOWN screaming at DIPPER,MABLE,SOOS and WENDY. I the middle, it shows THE MYSTERY SHACK and the HENCHMAINIACS fighting. In the end, it shows that GRUNCLE STAN had lost his memory so MABLE had to show him her scrapbook to hopefully bring back his memory and DIPPER and MABLE left Gravity Falls. THE END. BUT in the credits, it shows a bill cipher statue in real life, shake its hand, if you can find it. But beware, he is watching, always watching.

  4. In the beginning, me and my family went to Disneyland.We were there for about a week, and that was when my brother was born, I was about two at this time.We had come back from eating lunch and my mom came out of the room saying, “the baby’s coming!” And then three hours later I had a baby brother.Two days after my brother was born we left Cali and came home. When we came home I met my aunt for the first time also. That’s how my brother was born in the beginning.

  5. In the beginning there was a rabbit. This rabbit’s name was Noble. Noble was a very skinny and nerdy animal. He was wandering through the forest when he realized what just happened. Why was he just in the suburb and now he’s in the forest. He kept walking and being curious, but then he walked right into the jungle. Looking back, he saw the empty forest. Noble ran fast. Running to biome to biome. Then coming back to the suburb. Noble looked everywhere. Except up. Noble felt dumb. He was in his owner’s round experiment.

  6. In the beginning Jade was walking down to class and she was very peaceful until…”BaBa BaBa!” There was a lockdown! She went into a unlocked locker and hid there.Scared she silently shut it until there was only a crack she could see out of .Jade kept hearing screams come closer until there were two people  in all black inches away from her .Her heart was beating faster than ever and she had goosebumps she was so scared…Until they took of their masks .It was a prank! She was so relieved. Even  the teachers were in on it!

  7. In the beginning my lizard was jumping. Then , it started bouncing off heads. Sometimes, l just wonder how my lizard is just so different than others. I just wish my lizard was normal. One day, I woke up early wondering what my lizard was doing. Of course, it was what it usually would do.I left the house crying because of my lizard.
    Soon l got lost not knowing where l was going. Then, I saw an animal! I ran thinking of it and scared, then, my lizard came and bounced on it and scared it away! Best lizard ever!

  8. One day I went to the zoo and in the beginning of the trip I saw the tigers then I saw my favorite animal the hippo and his name was Melanie (Mel-ah-knee) and he was about 500 pounds. He was just about to go inside for his warm pool so we got there just in time. When we had to leave Melanie I was really sad because I love hippos so much. When there is a baby hippo I’m going to be so excited. I want a hippo so bad but they’re too big. I love Melanie.

  9. The QB threw the ball and with a GREAT leap I snatched it out of the air. As I was coming down I saw from the corner of my eye a pair of arms hit my legs, taking them out from me and making me slide across the grass at a odd angle..SNAP!………… In the beginning, I felt a blindy flash of pain. One nanosecond it was there, the other, it was a dull, throbbing pain………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
    After,the doctor expected me to make a full recovery, but i’ll never forget those few seconds in the thousands i’ll live through.

  10. In the beginng of time there was a creature that was like all animals.It was loud,scary,and had sharp teeth.It was an animal that was before dinosaurs but if dinosaurs were alive they would be frightened. This animal had NO name.People still believe that it lives till today.Other people think it’s in another dimension that people can’t get to.Other people believe the way to get to this other dimension is through the ocean.This creature has been in everyone’s mind but still no one tries to go there and see it for themselves.

  11. In the beginning a sloth was running in a marathon and all the sudden a cheetah and his friends can up and said “your not supposed to be here, you should be the slow marathon.” the cheetah and his friends started to laugh, but instead of being sad he sped off running (the cheetah’s jaws dropped). The cheetahs ran up to where she was and said “want to race??” The sloth said “sure.” So they lined up and where on their way. The sloth was in the lead. But in the end the sloth won and was declared the winner!

  12. Once there was a kid that always got picked on for what he did, but then found a chipmunk named Savior. But in the beginning he was afraid people would make fun of him for his only friend being a chipmunk. Then his theory was proven wrong the time he brought Savior to recess. He played football and then did a dab because of how amazing he was at football. The kid then found himself to be quite popular at school and it was because the time in the beginning telling him Savior was perfect the way he is, perfect!

  13. In the beginning when i went to Arizona it was 8:00 at night when the plane took off. We got to Arizona at 11:30 at night and woke up the next morning to go to breakfast at our hotel. We had a really good breakfast and went to our hotel room to get ready for the day. At about 12:30 we went to go visit my aunt and uncle, we stayed there the whole day and went out to dinner with them. The restraunt we went to was a very popular restraunt but we went early so it wasn’t to busy when we went. We went back to there house and stayed there for a few more hours.

  14. In the beginning it was announced that whoever was able to defeat a dragon will become the king of a kingdom. Charles was sitting in the meadow one day,wondering when dragons would arrive.As he sat there he drifted off to sleep. Charles woke up to a sudden gush of wind,as he slowly opened his he noticed two huge dark holes,only then he realizes they were the nostrils of a dragon. As his heart raced he scrambled to the nearest shelter to look for a weapon.He soon realized that the one weapon was his cleverness. At the corner of his eyes he saw a cave in the cave there was a narrow path which he chose. With his cleverness the dragon got stuck. The next day he learned he was king.

  15. In The Beginning… an average morning but it’s christmas! The family gathered we passed out then we opened them. I wanted a Ps Vita. I wasn’t mad. I was bummed out. But the present that changed everything. Once I saw it I almost yelled YAY! It was a new Nintendo Switch! The games my parents bought was Super Mario Odyssey, and Mario Kart 8 DELUXE. Then we set it up. The first game we played was Super Mario Odyssey. It was really FUN! Then we Played Mario Kart 8 DELUXE. When I saw the menu screen it was really awesome.

  16. Snow’s life story!!!
    In the Beginning I remember are faint bits of my past well…both pasts, most are blurry tho…But those faint Memory’s have made me into the person I am today! I have Friend’z with almost the same power as me, I met them them when they were camping and me having no parents they took me in. there names are luna and shadow both girls!!!! I have earned my wings ‘cuz apparently i am a mix between a snow fox a girl and a bird so ya………. that’s the story of my life

  17. In the beggining of time there was a fox named Quail . She was playful,and kind . Whenever a person came around she would  follow them to protect them .one day she followed someone but never came back! So her owner set off to go find Quail ,but nothing .so she put out lost dog  signs . one week later ,still nothing ,so she knew that she was lost and had on hope in when she was saying until the phone rang , Quail was found !!! so she went to go get her . She was so happy to see her owner .They went home happy and excited because of Quails new toy.

  18. In the beginning… (of the first half) of my indoor soccer tournament we were up by one, minutes left and I was the goalkeeper with a guy coming at me full speed and he shot (upper 90) so I had no choice but to dive so I dove into the air and when I dove I unstrapped my glove and threw it and then knocked the ball out of the the air then the whistle blew it was a penalty kick with thirty seconds left he kicked the ball and I saved it first half over and done we’re winning.

  19. In the beginning of science class….. Weather is technically around you every day of the week Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday and all those others the weathers you know are probably these tornadoes,hurricanes,blizzards,sand storms, and floods and others i probably did not mention tornadoes are when cold air and hot air mix together and blizzards form when hot air goes on top of cold air and blizzards form and sandstorms up I guess sand just act like a tornado? and floods when your town over floods with water and the rain just keeps going and that is weather and how some of it forms.

  20. In the beginning when I got my dog in the summer.I went to the mall with my mom .I got new shoes and clothes.We went to go get some lunch at Outback.Then we went to the bank for mom.Then I asked mom when are we going home?Mom said one more errand.Ok.Then we finally got home.I opened the door and I saw a new puppy next to Dad. I got tired playing with the puppy.So I went in bed and then the puppy jumped on the bed and went to sleep.Goodnight Maggie.

  21. In the beginning there was a kid his name is Jeff, he was also called my name is Jeff at his old school but he is at a new school “Jeff come down stairs, your going to be late to school bus.” “Ok mom I will.” said Jeff, Jeff hrushed down the stairs to be ready for school, “it was the first day of school” Jeff thought. When Jeff got to school they were doing roll call, when it came to Jeff turn, Jeff said in a squeaky voice, “ my name is Jeff” all the kids laughed and that when Jeff got his name, “ my name is Jeff”

  22. In the beginning… when I got my dog.When I was 3 I saved my money to get a dog. Then one day I wanted to look at puppys . So me and my dad went and I saw the puppy of my dreams an all small dog.I wanted to show my mom but she was at work. So we went the next morning early in the morning.then mom was looking at the dog.

    then my mom said “yes but you have to take care and pick up after her you can get her.” Then we lived a happy life.

  23. In the beginning I met someone named Jeff . He was like 8.2. He liked white and black. I met him in the woods where the trees were super tall. This is how we met. I went to the wood with my drone. I flew it and saw that there was this big circle that had no trees so I went to that and I saw a very tall thing. I say “thing” because it does not look like a human, and he has no face, then I was talking to him and we became very good friends.

  24. So I have one question why does it have a scary face? would it be for a business purpose. If so it’s a mascot. Or a statue. Who created. This.where did it come from. Is it a creature. Where is it located? Is it supposed represent someone? What Is it suppose to be. Why is it here? When was it created? Is it alive? What building is it on? Is it real? How many people built it? Is it from something? Is it a robot? How old is the sculptor? Is it scary? Or not scary. It’s not scary.

  25. Hi, my name is Palmer. I’m a mutant hand from planet Butterfingers. I’m here because I slipped of my planet. I probably had to much grease on my fingers. I jammed my fingers when I landed, and that’s why I’m hiding two of my fingers. My favorite food is chicken fingers. I’m spectacular at sports since, I am needed for almost all. I hate KFC because I can’t lick my fingers! I don’t get when people say, “Can you lend me a hand?” because I only have one! Anyways, I better get going. I really need to cut my nails.

  26. Im taking my dog for a walk when all of a sudden he starts barking, I look down to see what it is… IT’S A HAND! I start to dial 911, did it just move?! I take a few steps back, “What’s happening?” I walk away but it starts following me! I break into a run. It’s outside my door, so I call animal services, when they got to my house they looked confused. A few months later some scientists called me… i just discovered a new species of animal, does that mean there are more of them out there.

  27. I was walking by a lake and something moved.It’s small but dangerous.There I saw a hand.I leaned over and then……it moved.It had a face and was coming toward me.I got up but fell down.All of a sudden i see the hand.It said “All I need you to do is bring me some water from the lake.” I did it I brought water back for it.The hand drank the water turned to a boy that was lost.He start to look for his parents.I headed home to forget all of this.

  28. Over centuries, these aliens called the Handzees , have invaded and ruled planets around the Galaxy . And now they’ve taken our planet called planet Zink. It took place yesterday , I was at the Library when these horrible creatures park their big spaceship right next to the Library. Everyone in the library was so shocked and scared that they just stayed put like they were frozen.Once everyone felt safe to move, they went outside and there it was , the spaceship. The next thing you know, they’re gone in a quick flash of light! Later I hear, our planet has been abducted!!! That’s how it happened!

  29. Over centuries there was a alien called fingers.Fingers would go all around the buildings and signs.When people see Fingers they go crazy and call 911.They take pictures of Fingers.Police have trying to get him for years and years.Then he was Jumping on the buildings when it was and slipped but recovered.5yrs later in colorado he slipped on the building and fell everyone was calling the police and he finally got arrested. Fingers tried to escape but got arrested for longer and Fingers was keep trying to break out but got arrested over and over.

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