100wc Michelle

Once upon a time there was a frog and it came down the drain pipe for some reason.And when the frog came out it turned into a girl.This “girl” started walking toward the school. Every so often she would look back, then keep going.When she got to the school she started to walk near the water. all of a sudden she started to glow.I started to walk toward this girl and then I pushed her in the water.All of a sudden things start bubbling and then the girl is gone never to be seen again.

One thought on “100wc Michelle

  1. What an interesting story Michelle, almost like a fairy story. I was expecting a prince to appear at any moment 😉 What a sad ending though and also sad that someone would push the girl into the water. Was it anything to do with the glowing perhaps?
    Well done and keep rising to the Challenge.

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